Friday, April 29, 2011

Take That, You Fat Cells!

At least once a week the punching bag appears in our bootcamp circuit. I have never been interested in punching anyone or anything so I didn’t think I’d like the punching bag. I was wrong. It is very satisfying. Frustration disappears, ‘Whap! Wham!’ I decided I needed to visualize punching something in order to inspire faster and firmer punches. I settled on the image of my fat cells.

I suspect every person who has lost a lot of weight lives in fear of the reblossoming of their fat cells, I know I do. I’m sure they lie in wait, waiting for the day I lose willpower, when something in my life moves me backwards into my old bad habits. So I punch and squish my fat cells deep into oblivion, as deep as I can so they’ll have to really work to come back out. It feels great.

Day 39 and counting

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