Thursday, April 28, 2011

I slipped but I'm up again

This past week wasn't a great eating week for me. I got lazy and casual about planning my day's meals, weighing and logging my food in Vitabot. No special reason. Maybe a little adolescent rebellion. 'I've hit my goal, I know how to eat well. I don't want to do this.' Maybe I was in a little funk for no reason other than I was (too much RAIN!). Maybe birthday and Easter celebrations got my internal nutrition mechanisms out of balance.

For whatever the reason, I ate a lot in a way that I knew I shouldn't. Leftover dark chocolate Easter eggs, unmeasured handfuls of healthy nut mixes, a bag of popcorn, extra fruit, yogurt, rich ice cream. Nothing spectacular, no huge binges. I don't have that problem, I nibble reasonable amounts until it's unreasonable. Anyway, I am frustrated with myself for slipping. The scale shows a 1 pound increase, probably real.

But this morning I got back on Vitabot, I weighed my breakfast, I planned part of the week's meals. It's a start, I feel like I can conquer this before it's a problem. I'm not beating myself up over it, everyone falls, it's getting up that matters. That's what's different from my past. 

I'm headed off to bootcamp now, that's also different.

Day 38 and still counting.

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