Thursday, June 9, 2011


I’ve noticed that it's easier to eat right and exercise when I’m kinder to myself in my head. Or maybe I’m kinder to myself when I eat better and exercise. Either way, thinking positive, self-affirming thoughts does help with weight loss and weight maintenance.

Very early on in my physical reformation, a life coach, Jacqui, ( suggested I create a visual representation of my goal and write some affirming statements about the future me.

I browsed the web for a regular-size dressy dress to wear to my son’s wedding in a year. It had all the characteristics of what I hadn’t been able to wear for the past 25 years. Form-fitting, attention-getting red, and sleeveless (I really hated my arms). The model stood tall with good posture. My husband digitally replaced the model’s head with a picture of my own and there I was – a vision of what I hoped to be in a year.

I took it a step further because my motivation wasn’t only to look good I wanted to feel good. I found a picture of a young girl running joyfully through a field and added it to the back of the woman in the dress. This is how I wanted to feel. Young, energetic, joyful, and pain-free.

Along side the pictures I wrote affirming statements about the future me. “I have good posture.” “My arms are firm and strong.” “I wear regular-size clothes.” “I am beautiful.” “I eat right and exercise.” On the back I wrote. “I am energetic.” “I am healthy.” “I can run and play.” “I am joyful.”

This picture moved around the house with me. Taped to the bathroom mirror, on my computer monitor, in my notebook. Over time I began to achieve my goals and I began to believe the statements. 

Sit down and visualize how you will be when you reach your goals. Cut a picture out of a magazine. Glue your face on it. Write your statements. Read them regularly. It does help.

By the way, the dress I wore to my son’s wedding was even better. It showed my knees too. A year earlier I couldn’t even imagine revealing my knees.

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